Friday, 27 January 2017

Hamsa Yoga - The Elixir Of Self Realisation hamsa yoga or sooham sadhana is crowned in the Indian scriptures as the paramount spiritual endeavor that enables natural conjunction of the individual consciousness and the Brahth. Despite being superior in terms of its culminated effects, this sadhana is easiest and free from the ascetic disciplines and difficult practices of yoga that are associated with other higher level spiritual sadhanas. The treatise of Sabda Brahm — Nada Brahm (volume 19 of "Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya Vangmaya" Series) devotes one full chapter to this important topic. The present book is compiled from the English translation of this invaluable text.

Meditation on the sounds of "soo " and "ham" — produced continuously by the harmonized inhalation and exhalation in each breathing cycle during a pranayama — is practiced in the initial phase of the hamsa yoga. The hakara (sound of "ha") is regarded as a manifestation of God Shiva in the cosmic energy currents of prana and sakara (the sound of "sa") represents the existence of the eternal power of thy super consciousness in the spiritual impulse of prana. The surya swara (through the solar nerve) is awakened by hakara and the candra swara (through the lunar nerve) by sakara. These swaras are harmonized in the higher level pranayama of the hamsa yoga. The contemplation phase of this sadhana involves total sacrifice of the ego and dissolution of the identity of the "Self" in the supreme consciousness — expression of the Brahm.

The sooham sadhana enables realization of the Nada Yoga through Prana Yoga. The science and philosophy of this sadhana is also discussed here in the special context of the ajapa japa of the Gayatri Mantra and the Kundalini Sadhana. The author has been through, yet lucid in discussing this esoteric field of the science of spirituality and yoga. He also provides trenchant guidance for practicing this prana yoga in day-to-day life. 


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  1. Five planets viz Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Mars when occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exaltation house causes Panchamahapurusha Yoga. Very rarely a person can have all five planets in Kendra. Some people will have two or three mahapursha Yoga based on the planets in Kendra
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  2. When Jupiter occupies Kendra which should be Own house or exalted house, then Hamsa Yoga is caused. Jupiter is considered most divine planet. Person with Hamsa Yoga will be righteous and pure in mind. The strength of Yoga depends on Lagna and Kendra in which Jupiter is placed. 10th kendra is more powerful then 1st Kendra.
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